Now I'll tell you when I and Woofer went to the POP Penguins Only Party) and she almost had an accident. You might think that woofer's acting like a boy? Well, she's a bit tomboyish and doesn't like being a girl.
You wouldn't believe what happened the day we went to BOP, I mean POP. Mimi started jumping on an ice berg and I fell into the water!
Luckily, I managed to catch Mimi arms, I mean wings and get out. But... I was dripping wet!
And by the time I got home, I was wetter than ever! Honestly, sometimes I do think Mimi's not a good owner.
You see? Thats the way she feels. *gets interrupted*
SHE?!! No, no nooo!!!!!! HE HE HE! I'm a boy!
Thats the way!
Well, Jam On, Jammers!