
Contest! *Updated*

Hello! So I had a new idea of contest page. The first contest is this:

Poem Writing Contest:

You have to write a poem. The topic is: Nature. You can either write it in the comments, or email it to me. You have to make it beautiful. No copying from others. Your poem has to be original. It must not contain inappropriate words.
And the prizes:

Prize 1

Prize 2

Prize 3

That's all! Please enter!


  1. Haiku (a haiku's 1st sentence must have 5 syllables, the next must have 7, and the last 5).

    Autumn sunset, red,
    Orange, yellow, gold, amber,
    How beautiful!

  2. oh baby bear,
    don't you dare try to
    go in tiny window!
    by moonstar88745


Please do not use inappropriate words.
Do not use mean words either.
Be friends and keep in touch with me! :)


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