
Monday, July 30, 2012

New things!

Hi Jammers! Today we've a lot of things! First is a Refrigerator.

I think its a pretty cool item and its wooden. I wonder how its gonna keep things cool. Next is a Kelp Tree.

Its sold in the Sunken Treasures, of course and the next thing is...

I think I like this one too. Keep it up, AJ HQ!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Seaweed Boa!

Page# 1 Seaweed Boa

This new Seaweed Boa can be bought at the Bahari Bargains. But it does look human-like doesn't it? I want to know what you guys think.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Golden Tiara!
This new Golden Tiara can be bought at Epic Wonders! Go get yours now!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

New Knight Armour and Big Fox Plush!

Today's new item is...

Knight armour! And Fox Plush!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I was tagged by Tiggerkat, that is, she tagged all her followers so I'm one too!

Rules:(Everyone knows this by heart by now)

1.  You must re-post these rules
2. You must post 10 things about yourself
3.  You must answer the questions provided by the tagger
4.  you must make up 10 new questions for the person you tag
5  you must tag 2 people

10 things about me

1. I'm an animal-lover.
2. I'm a nature-lover TOO!
3. I like Reese cups.
4. I like cartoons rather than movies!
5. I like tiggers.
6. I like sunshine.
7. My favorite season is spring!
8. I don't like parties.
9. I'm a bookworm (and I'm proud to be one!)
10. I like singing.

Answers to Tiggerkat's questions

1.  What did you wear for a costume last Halloween?

A great big scary pumpkin!
2.   What is the last great Movie you saw?
The Tigger Movie! It was great!
3.   If you had a million dollars how many reese cups would you buy for Tiggerkat?
A million reese cups with a letter saying 'Hugs and reeses from Mimi'!
4.   If you could do one thing ALLLLL Day, what would you do?
Play in the computer or read books!
5.  If this was your last meal, what would it be?
Sausage Sandwiches!
6.   What do you have from your baby years that you still love?
7.   Mountains or Beaches
8.  Will you watch the summer olympics ?
9.   Is it Football or Soccar that is played in the World Cup?
10.  Do you wear socks with your sandels?
No but I do when I go to a beach (giggles).

10 questions for tagged people

1. Who is funnier: me or tiggerkat?
2. Which is the best season to eat candies: Summer or winter?
3. Which is your favorite place in Jamaa?
4. Which is your favorite animal?
5. Do you own any pets in real?
6. Which was the last book you read?
7. Which is better: bookworm or nerd?
8. Your favorite subject?
9. Liza the panda shaman or Greely the wolf shaman?
10. Did you cry often when you were a baby?

And the taggies are:
CinnamonRose and Hamishcat!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Rules: 1. You must re-post these rules
 2. You must post 10 things about yourself 
3. You must answer the questions provided by the tagger 
4. you must make up 10 new questions for the person you tag 
5. you must tag 2 people

10 things about myself

1. I like animals
2. I love my pets
3. I value friendship
4. My real name is not Mimi, it is my kitten's name. 
5. I like Reese's.
6. I like music.
7. I love computer.
8. I love AJ.
9. I'm not very beautiful.
10. I like tiggers.

10 questions for tagged people:

1. Bunny or Wolf?
2. Have you ever eaten Reese cups?
3. Truth or lie?
4. Positive or negative?
5. Animal Jam or Club Penguin?
6. Do you think I'm crazy?
7. What would you do if you're shopping and it starts raining?
8. Rain, sunshine or snow?
9. Sweet or spicy?
10. Do you sleep in bed or on floor?

And the tagged people are:

Tiggerkat and PlusieGirl!

Fox Topiary and 15 followers!

So the new topiary is, of course-

Fox topiary!! Hmm... very sly looking indeed!

And also, I've got 15 followers so here's a present for all the followers!


*grins mischievously*

Thanks everyone who follows this blog.
 And so, as a real gift, I'll give you the link to some fun game-sites, like AJ! [some may know this one]

Thanks everyone! Bye for now!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Update!

Sorry everyone for not posting. I was..err.. busy. Anyway here's the new update!

 Aww... two more weeks to wait for. but the painting thing is cool!
Wow! But I like the old den shop. And new SETTINGS! Cool!!

Costume Corner again
Quick, go to AJ outfitters now! Thanks, Jammers and bye!

Introducing: Sophia The Horse Shaman

There's a new shaman now, did you know?

Sophia The Horse Shaman!!!! Maybe the next one is the penguin shaman. Or maybe the fox? Thoughts?

New Things!

So here are the new things.

Knight Helmet. Only 450, nice one and best of all, its non member.

Its a Fox Banner. Cute, though.

Fox Statue. But it hasn't got a name yet and its a girl!

Its a kite. Available at the Summer Carnival.

That's all! Bye!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

201th Post AND 14 followers! AND 1787 views!

Thanks so much guys! Without your help, I wouldn't have these many followers, views AND posts! THANKS SO MUCH! As a thanks present I present you all THIS!

It's a Reese's cake and as you can see, it's with lots and lots of love from me! Thanks once again!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Message from AJ HQ!

I was playing Sky high when I received this message from AJ HQ.

Wow! I didn't know that!

I'm really so sorry!

I'm really sorry for not posting for so long. The thing is, for one reason I'm traveling and for another my laptop didn't have internet connection until now. Anyway the new things are:

Fancy Candelabra in Jam-Mart Furniture!

New Lantern necklace in Sunken Treasures!

Sandals in the Summer Carnival.

Its like from the Touch Pool!

This was the RIM(sorry):

New Clam and Fancy Bouquet!

Thats a real beauty, right?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


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